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Join our eBay auction bid sniper program with JustSnipe today

  • Save your money on eBay
  • Save your time from bidding at the last seconds
  • Increase your winning chance
  • Avoid bidding war

Just register and enjoy free snipe every week

JustSnipe is the answer for your automated auction sniper tool.

We are an online service provider that helps you to place bid orders at the last moment before the auction on eBay is closed known as auction sniper. With our software application and powerful servers, you can setup the target items at any time and it will just snipe them for you.

Register Today!

It is free* and secured SSL registration. No download required.

With JustSnipe, "Bidding Has Never Been This Easy!"

We offer our bidding tool for free. Just register today and see how easy it is to win your favorite auction. With our automated sniping software and powerful servers, you do not have to turn on your computer and wait until the last moment. Our servers will snipe eBay items for you. All you have to do after the registration is to sign in to JustSnipe, schedule your bid through your favorite Internet browser, and let us do all the work for you.

*Not valid with any other offer. Limited time only. Some conditions apply. Only five bids allowed per week per user. and its owners. reserve the right to change the conditions of the offer and terminate the service without any notice <details>.

auction sniper on pc magazine

Recommended by PC Magazine issue May 10, 2005

  • Win more auction and save time.
  • No software to install.
  • No need to turn on your computer.